Well, in an attempt not to sound too self-indulgent, I thought I'd share a little bit about myself to anyone who may be curious :)
My name is Sandra. But I have many nicknames including Girlie, Dilly, Willis, Nelly and of course Sally. My favourite is the latter because I think it has a fun upbeat sound. But also because my husband's name is Harry and so that is just the best combo. *Harry & Sally*. It originated at work when one of my co-workers joked that he was getting too old to remember names (he was only like 35 at the time..). He started calling me Sally just to prove his point. Somehow that name stuck and all my work friends started calling me this.
I live in the 'burbs outside of Vancouver, BC with my wonderful husband and beautiful new daughter, Simone. By day, I work here as a 3D computer artist in the video game industry, but currently I am on maternity leave spending as much time as possible with my baby girl.
I enjoy knitting, sewing, spinning wool, and embroidery. Recently I started drawing and painting with watercolours again which is very exciting for me. I like to connect with other artists, crafters and other creative types through the blogsphere and have found so much inspiration from some extremely talented people out there.
In real life I am a wallflower and I do have mild social anxiety, so this space really gives me the opportunity to stand out as whoever I want to be. Mainly I just want to be honest about myself and share all the cool things I am making and I try not to get too caught up in thinking beyond that. Each blog entry I just convince myself that the only person who consistently reads it is my dad - then I don't get too nervous or self-conscious about how my voice sounds. (You're still reading, right Dad?)
Here are some extra tidbits about me:
7 Things I appreciate and love
-Light reflected off water
-Americano mistos - no sugar please
-the smell of fresh bread
-brocolli and spinach - no, I am not kidding.
-dark, high quality chocolate - with minimum 70% cocoa. mm mmm
- Chilean, South African or Australian Shiraz (almost any will do)
- NFB animation - long live canadian film
7 Things I vigorously dislike
-that horrible aero chocolate bar commercial - you know, the one where the 2 women are telling each other that they "love the bubbles" while they stuff their faces with more chocolate.
-telephones - Ideally I prefer to communicate face to face; but email or msn is good too. If you phone me and get the voicemail - consider email. I'm probably in the house and just don't want to run for the phone.
-the sound of rumbling harley davidsons and souped up low riders...I just don't get it.
-waxy, cheap chocolate
-generic tattoos - if yer gonna get one, make sure it means something to you...and it doesn't hurt to be original
-The monotonous, thumping base coming from loud stereos.
-smelly people on public transit - ie. stale smoke, rank BO, old garlic or curry breath. Disgusting.
Please email me anytime ~ stournemille(at)gmail(dot)com.
Happy web travels my friends!