This is...
This perfect dinner party.I can't say my imaginary dinner party would be filled with deep, intelligent conversation. I have chosen people based on pure entertainment. Oh, and a couple awkward moments between Martha Stewart and Conan O'Brien, I absolutely love the chemistry between them. Also, I just realized that my dream job would have to be working on the Martha Stewart show, organizing all the cooking and craft demos. So, I need to be seated next to her so I can possibly schmooz myself a job. I've had a secret crush on Jack Black since he put out that movie, School of Rock. And Gordon Ramsay would be there just to criticize the food (which I would hire a catering company to do, by the way) and keep everyone humble. Ellen and Portia seem like a super hilarious couple and I'd really like to meet them. There you have perfect dinner party. I can't wait to meet everyone :)
Dilly, I accually laughed out loud readin this. I would love to be the fly on the wall during this dinner party. It looks like there would be some great/funny conversation. Wicked!
Ya sorry, Kale decided to hit enter for me!!:)
Sounds like a blast to me. What an interesting combination of people. I can't help but wonder what topics of conversation would be covered...
Oh I think Gordon Ramsey will make Martha blush with his potty mouth!
great list, thanks for sharing
Good thing I'm shaped like Jack Black.
I bet Harry smells like him too...
id come to your dinner party w/ those guests.. i love ellen + martha + jack!
What an awesome guest list. I love it so much whenever Martha and Conan are together. That photo you posted of them says it all.
Uh, you kind of forgot about Jason Bourne and I. Thanks, Dillerson.
The only other addition I would have would be Will Arnett (GOB) and Tobias Funke from Arrested Development. Ahh... let the heads ROLL!!!
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