What is going on?
Well, I am still here. I am the hopeless sporadic blogger now as I am so busy with work and nesting....and growing! It's amazing how important home has become to me in the past couple months. I've reorganized closets and cupboards, cleaned the fridge (although it really needs it again!). We've sorted and purged all sorts of things and driven a carload of junk to the Salvation Army to make space for all things baby. A couple weekends ago we painted our soon to be nursery a honeydew green. It is pretty bright, but I think it looks fresh and happy now that I'm used to it.
And good news! I can knit again :) I've finally finished a little sweater which I started last October! Geez that was difficult. But I think I'm on a role and already have some patterns for stuffies I'd like to make.
I'm also working on another quilt, but that is all I can reveal about it for now since it is a gift for a certain someone and I'm not sure if she would happen to come across this posting...Oh, and here is a (very blurry) peek at the emerging belly. And let me tell you, it is popping! This week marks my official entrance into the third trimester. It is the final stretch, only three more months until I meet the little boxer growing inside me. I am dying to meet him/her!
Oh love what you're doing with the baby room. So wonderful!!
What a beautiful baby room! I love the little sweater and quilt (green all around). Hello there baby :)
look at that adorable belly! and that beautiful shade of green! looks like baby is going to move from one good home to another - - - and the last trimester goes by so fast. enjoy!
Honeydew green, it's wonderful, I love it! So fresh and clean, and that quilt is looking hot!
...so's your tummy ;)
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