Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Life on Planet Sally

I know we are well into the new year, but I do hope everyone enjoyed the holidays and are well on their way to achieving all those resolutions. As for moi, I made no resolutions whatsoever this year. It's not that I am a lazy citizen or an apathetic person, it's just that this year I am going to be a realist and not make any silly commitments to myself that I cannot keep.

These days I am happy to make it home from work in one piece and still have some energy to keep up with my spunky toddler. I usually eat dinner standing by the counter while I'm chasing Simone around the kitchen. We play a few games before bath and bedtime and I often pass out on the couch after my lame attempt at cleaning the kitchen. Are there other Moms out there feeling the same level of exhaustion and lack of interest in everything? I just can't seem to catch up these days!

So, this year there will be no attempts to go to the gym regularly, I will probably eat too much ice cream and cookies, my house will be a cluttered mess, and my wardrobe will consist of jeans and t-shirts. I think the biggest promise I can make to myself is to try to enjoy the days I have with my family and not get too overwhelmed by the day to day madness. That is my goal until I can reclaim some personal time and refocus a little attention back to myself. Now, I'm going to upload this photo and check out my favourite blogs before I get ready for bed and gear up for another day of insanity!! Good night friends!